Nguyen Minh Hieu

I'm currently a research engineer at Netropy in Seoul, South Korea. I obtained my BSc in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at KAIST. Previously, I was doing research under Professor Minhyuk Sung at the Geometric AI Lab. I'm especially interested in tackling geometry problems in graphics, vision, and engineering with a principled and practical approach. If you find my skillset useful for your own project, don't hesitate to reach out!
In my free time, I also enjoy painting, photography, geocaching, and writing programs!
My Erdős number is 4 (Nguyen Minh Hieu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
I'm currently a research engineer at Netropy in Seoul, South Korea. I obtained my BSc in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at KAIST. Previously, I was doing research under Professor Minhyuk Sung at the Geometric AI Lab. I'm especially interested in tackling geometry problems in graphics, vision, and engineering with a principled and practical approach. If you find my skillset useful for your own project, don't hesitate to reach out!
In my free time, I also enjoy painting, photography, geocaching, and writing programs!
My Erdős number is 4 (Nguyen Minh Hieu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
Ich arbeite derzeit als Forschungsingenieur bei Netropy in Seoul, Südkorea. Meinen B.Sc. in Informatik und Elektrotechnik habe ich an der KAIST gemacht. Zuvor habe ich unter Professor Minhyuk Sung am Geometric AI Lab geforscht. Ich interessiere mich besonders dafür, Geometrieprobleme in Grafik, Vision und Ingenieurwesen mit einem fundierten und prinzipiengeleiteten Ansatz zu lösen. Wenn meine Fähigkeiten für dein Projekt hilfreich sein könnten, melde dich gerne bei mir!
In meiner Freizeit mache ich gerne Malerei, Fotografie, betreibe Geocaching und programmiere!
Meine Erdős-Zahl ist 4 (Nguyen Minh Hieu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
Ich arbeite derzeit als Forschungsingenieur bei Netropy in Seoul, Südkorea. Meinen B.Sc. in Informatik und Elektrotechnik habe ich an der KAIST gemacht. Zuvor habe ich unter Professor Minhyuk Sung am Geometric AI Lab geforscht. Ich interessiere mich besonders dafür, Geometrieprobleme in Grafik, Vision und Ingenieurwesen mit einem fundierten und prinzipiengeleiteten Ansatz zu lösen. Wenn meine Fähigkeiten für dein Projekt hilfreich sein könnten, melde dich gerne bei mir!
In meiner Freizeit mache ich gerne Malerei, Fotografie, betreibe Geocaching und programmiere!
Meine Erdős-Zahl ist 4 (Nguyen Minh Hieu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
Xin chào!
Hiện tại, mình là kỹ sư nghiên cứu tại Netropy ở Seoul, Hàn Quốc. Mình đã hoàn thành bằng Computer Science và Electrical Engineering tại KAIST. Trước đây, mình đã thực hiện nghiên cứu dưới sự hướng dẫn của Giáo sư Minhyuk Sung tại Geometric AI Lab.
Số Erdős của mình là 4 (Nguyễn Minh Hiếu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
Hiện tại, mình là kỹ sư nghiên cứu tại Netropy ở Seoul, Hàn Quốc. Mình đã hoàn thành bằng Computer Science và Electrical Engineering tại KAIST. Trước đây, mình đã thực hiện nghiên cứu dưới sự hướng dẫn của Giáo sư Minhyuk Sung tại Geometric AI Lab.
Số Erdős của mình là 4 (Nguyễn Minh Hiếu → Minhyuk Sung → Leonidas Guibas → Frances Yao → Paul Erdős).
MV2Cyl got accepted to Neurips 2024!
Checkout my full list on
Google Scholar
Highlighted Publications (out of 5)

MV2Cyl: Reconstructing 3D Extrusion Cylinders from Multi-View Images
Neurips, 2024

SALAD: Part-Level Latent Diffusion for 3D Shape Generation and Manipulation
ICCV, 2023

Digital Aerochrome
I modded an Olympus EPL-2 camera to shoot
Aerochrome film digitally!

Geometry Archive
My collection of geometry processing algorithms implemented in C++ and Python.

Generative Models Archive
My collection of generative models algorithms (mainly diffusion related) implemented in PyTorch
and NumPy.

My collection of ShaderToy's. I'm working on porting these into
this web page soon!